Sabaiaren formak (Shapes in the ceiling)

Kandela euskarria (Candle holder)

Kaleko giroa (Street mood)

Aldare zuria (White altar)

Harrizko horma (Stone wall)

Sarrera atea (Entrance door)

Izozki erraldoia (Giant ice cream)

Gau argazkia (Night photograph)

Trenbide baten airetiko ikuspegia (View of a railway from above)

Ate koloretsuak (Colourful doors)

Ibai ondoko errepidea (The road near the river)

Hiri bat lanbro artean (A city in the fog)

Garabien esnatzea (Cranes wake up)

Udazkeneko lanbroan murgilduta (Autumn fog everywhere)

Egunon Bristol (Good morning Bristol)

Ilunabarra enparantzan igarotzen (Spending the afternoon in the city square)

Kaleko argipean (Under the street lights)

Arratsaldeko argi-kontra eta itzal luzeak (The long shadows against the light in the evening)

Mendiz inguratutako harana (A valley surrounded by mountains)

Uretako isladak (Reflections on the water)