Ur urdina (Blue water)

Argi ilada (A row of lights)

Iturria (Fountain)

Zurrusta (Jet)

Ur zurrusta (Water jet)

Untzia (Boat)

Kaia (Quay)

Ur aurreko etxe errenkada (A house row in the waterline)

Atsedena (Rest moment)

Arratsaldeko ordubiak egun eguzkitsu batean (Two in the afternoon of a sunny day)

Sabaia koloretsua (Colourful ceiling)

Katedrale barneko koloreak (Colours inside the cathedral)

Sabaia (Ceiling)

Txirrindula ate aurrean (A bicycle in front of the door)

Pareta koloretsua (Colourful wall)

Kandelen argia (Light of the candles)

Kaleko mahaiak (Street tables)

Txirrindula ate aurrean (A bicycle in front of the door)

Kale kantoia (Street corner)