Denbora pasa (relaxing)

Dantzan (Dancing)

Eguzkia noiz desagertuko den zain (Waiting for the sunset)

Arratsalde lasaia (Quiet afternoon)

Mendiko trena (Mountain train)

Labar arteko herria (A town between cliffs)

Pinuen adaburuak (Top of the pine trees)

Bidexka estua (A narrow path)

Eserlekua itzalpean (Seat in the shadow)

Baseliza (Country chapel)

Bide zaharra (Old track)

Pinudia (Pine forest)

Baserria (Country house)

Igoera bidea (Way up)

Arratsaldeko argiaren koloreak (Colours of the afternoon light)

Itsas barean (Quiet sea)

Gizona eta itsasoa (The man and the sea)

Uraren formak (Shapes in the water)

Harkaitzaren itzalpea (The shadow of the rock)

Azken eguzki errainuak (The last sun ray)