Mendiak urdinez (Mountains in blue)

Mendiak urdinez (Mountains in blue)

Walensee (Suitza, Schweiz)

Gauaren hasierak argi finarekin urdinezko margoztu zituen mendiak.

As the night began, the mountains were coloured in blue by the delicate light.

Argipea (Under the light)

Walensee (Suitza, Schweiz)

Kaleko argi batean pean egon nintzen norabidea erabaki bitartean. Arratsaldea hotza baina zoragarria zen eta pixkat gehiago egotea erabaki nuen. Inguruaz gozatzen.

I stayed behind a street light deciding the direction. The evening was cold but wonderful and I decided to stay longer. Enjoying the place.

Gauak bidea nahasten du (The night mixes the ways)

Gauak bidea nahasten du (The night mixes the ways)

Walensee (Suitza, Schweiz)

Zutoinak oinezkoentzako norabideak markatzen zituen. Baina arratsaldeko azken argiak bidea aurkitzeko zaila bihurtzen zuen. Azkenean, trena hartu nuen etxera bueltatzeko. 

The pole marks the directions for walkers. However, at late afternoon the way was difficult to find. In the end, I took the train to go back home.

Mendiz inguratua (Surrounded by mountains)

Mendiz inguratua (Surrounded by mountains)

Walensee (Suitza, Schweiz)

Walensee Suitza ekialdean dagoen mendiz inguratutako laku bat da. Alpeetako erraldoiek haraneko herriak ikusmiratzen dituzte. Gau hasieran leku bakartia eta ahaztua ematen du.

Walensee is a lake surrounded by mountains in Eastern Switzerland. The giants of the Alps observer the towns of the valley. In the early night, the place looks solitary and abandoned.

Ilargia ezkutuka (Moon hiding)

Walensee (Suitza, Schweiz)

Suitzako mendialdean hartutako gau argazkia. Ilargia mendi atzetik ageri zen, ezkutuka balebil bezala. Kaleko argiak piztuak ziren jada. Zuhaitz artean eraikitiako txabola bat argiztatzen zuten.

A night photograph done in the Swiss mountains. The moon could be seen coming out from behind the mountains. The street lights were switched on. A hut appears under the lights, between the trees.