Pinudi bat zeharkatzen (Crossing a pine forest)

Pinudi bat zeharkatzen (Crossing a pine forest)

Poschiavo (Suitza, Svizzera)

Trenaren martxak argazkiari itxura lausotua ematen dio eta leihoak bidaiarien islada jasotzen du. Detaile hauek pinudiaren itxura misteriotsua areagotzen dute.

The running train adds a blurry taste to the picture. In addition, the windows reflect the other travellers. These details add to the mysterious look of the pine forest.

Pinudi bat lanbro artean (A misty pine forest)

Pinudi bat lanbro artean (A misty pine forest)

Poschiavo (Suitza, Svizzera)

Gure trena aldapan gora doa pinudi batetan zehar, lanbro artean. Azaroako argiak ilunabar itxura hartu du, oraindik arratsaldea gaztea bada ere.

Our train climbs the mountain through a pine forest, surrounded by mist. The November daylight starts to resemble dusk, although the afternoon is still young.