Kanpain dorrea, negua (Bell tower, winter)

Tarta puska (Piece of cake)

Arratsaldea (Evening)

Helsinki (Finlandia)

Urkiak lanbroan (Birches in the fog)

Itsaso izoztua (Frozen sea)

Kaia izotzean bildurik (harbor covered by ice)

Izotza eta lanbroa (Ice and fog)

Elur paisaia kolorean (Snowy landscape in colours)

Zuri beltzeko bertsioa ikusgai hemen / The B&W version was previously posted here

Kale elurtua (Snowy street)

Gauetik hurreneko koloreak (Colours close to the night)

Argi-kontra (Against the light)

Mendi gaina (Mountain top)

Argazkilariaren itzal luzea (The long shadow of the photographer)

Eguzki sartzea (Sunset)

Bidean (On the road)

Pagadia (The beech forest)

Arbola biluziak (Naked trees)

Kanpain dorrea (Bell tower)

Arratsaldeko eguzkiaren laztanak (The hug of the afternoon sun)

Mendi gaineko santutegia (Sanctuary in the top of the mountain)